Serving Refugees is Important

Serving refugees means helping those who do not have a home. Too often we take for granted the many blessings in our lives. Most of us have a solid roof over our heads and food on the table. We have a home to return to after a long day’s work. Yet refugees often arrive in the United States with no idea where they’ll live, how they’ll find a job, or even how to speak the language. Serving those in need is a privilege. It gives us a chance to reach out and welcome the stranger and the homeless to our communities. We hope to provide the initial support they need to thrive in this state.

Sometimes the past haunts them. Judi Harris, Director of Refugee Services said that, “These are people who through no fault of their own have really been abused by the world…” They arrive in the U.S. often knowing no one, yet through their hard work they carve out a place in this country and begin building a home.

As they settle into their home, they invest in their communities. They contribute to the economy as a whole and begin to see the joy in a new life. Serving refugees is important because they need help believing that a life here is possible and rewarding. They need help believing that the hardships of their past will not affect the possibilities of building a home in the future. Most of all, they need people who believe in them.

Serving Refugees is Important

STVCC Refugee Services is the only resettlement program for adult individuals and families in the Lansing Area. Since the program’s inception in the 1970’s, STVCC Refugee Services has resettled more than 17,000 refugees to the Lansing Area. Over the years, programming has expanded to include employment, education, outreach and health services in addition to resettlement. Refugees resettled into the community bring rich ethnic diversity, stimulate the economy and bring a positive impact to Lansing’s culture in business, schools and community organizations. For more information, visit our Refugee Services page.

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